10 Clear Signs a Marriage Cannot Be Saved

Are you coping with constant issues in your relationship? Have you tried numerous attempts to work things out, but it seems like there is no solution in sight? It may be time to face the hard truth that your marriage cannot be saved. Dr. Steven, a renowned psychologist, has identified 10 clear signs that indicate the end of a marriage, and it’s crucial to recognize them for your own well-being.

1. Lack of Intimacy: Intimacy is a key component of a healthy relationship. If you and your partner have lost the spark and haven’t been able to revive it after frequent attempts, it may be a sign that the love is no longer there.

2. Unresolved Issues: Have you been unable to resolve the constant conflicts and lingering issues in your marriage? If these concerns have been repeatedly swept under the rug, it may be an indication that your problems are unsolvable.

3. Lack of Support: Marriage is a partnership, and both partners need to feel supported. If one of you consistently feels alone and lacks the admiration and encouragement from the other, it may be time to consider if this relationship is right for you.

4. Cheating and Infidelity: Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and cheating can severely damage it. If one or both of you have been unfaithful and there is no remorse or willingness to work things out, it may be impossible to rebuild trust.

5. Grieving the Relationship: Have you been grieving the loss of the love and happiness that once existed in your marriage? If you find yourself frequently longing for the way things used to be, it may be a sign that you’ve already emotionally moved on.

6. Lack of Effort: Relationships require effort from both sides. If you’re the only one trying to make things work while your partner shows little interest in improving the relationship, it may be time to leave.

7. Constant Bad Influence: Is your partner consistently bringing negativity into your life? If they’re constantly pulling you down or causing you to compromise your values, it may be time to rethink if this is the kind of person you want to spend your life with.

8. Untreated Mental Health Issues: Mental health is a significant factor in a successful relationship. If your partner’s mental health issues are left untreated and are causing constant turmoil, it may not be possible to have a healthy and meaningful relationship.

9. Lack of Mutual Goals: A successful marriage thrives on shared dreams and aspirations. If you and your partner have completely different visions for your future and are unable to find common ground, it may be best to part ways.

10. Lack of Love: Love should be the driving force behind every marriage. If the love is gone and you no longer feel a deep connection with your partner, it may be time to accept that this relationship isn’t salvageable.

It’s important to remember that every relationship is unique, and there are no definitive rules about when to leave a marriage. However, recognizing these signs can help you make an informed decision about your future happiness and well-being. It may be a difficult journey, but by prioritizing your own needs and taking steps towards a better life, you can find happiness and love again.

Lack of Communication

Communication is the foundation of any relationship, especially in a marriage. When a lack of communication becomes a major issue, it can be a clear sign that the marriage may not be salvageable. Here are 14 signs that indicate a struggling marriage due to a lack of communication:

Signs Behaviors and Impact
1. You’ve stopped talking When conversations become rare or non-existent, it’s a sign that you and your spouse are not actively sharing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with each other.
2. Gridlock on important issues When you can’t find a solution or compromise on important issues, it can lead to frustration and resentment.
3. Feelings of betrayal or hurt If there is a lack of empathy and understanding in your conversations, it can leave you feeling hurt and unsupported.
4. Inability to accept each other If you or your spouse are unwilling to accept each other’s perspectives and priorities, communication becomes difficult.
5. Prioritizing other things over communication When you prioritize work, hobbies, or other activities over spending quality time together and communicating, it can create distance and disconnect.
6. Leaving conversations unresolved If you always leave important discussions unresolved or avoid addressing them altogether, it can lead to unresolved issues and buildup of resentment.
7. Lack of respect and admiration When communication becomes disrespectful or lacking in admiration, it can create a negative and toxic environment.
8. Feeling misunderstood If you constantly feel like your spouse doesn’t understand your perspective or emotions, it can lead to frustration and further communication breakdown.
9. Unproductive communication When discussions always turn into arguments or conflicts without any resolution or progress, it indicates a lack of productive communication.
10. Priorities are not aligned When you and your spouse have different long-term goals, values, or priorities, it can create a communication barrier.
11. Avoiding counseling or therapy? If one or both of you are resistant to seek professional help for improving communication, it may indicate a lack of commitment to save the marriage.
12. Not using tools and resources If you or your spouse are not willing to learn and use communication tools recommended by counselors or therapists, it shows a lack of effort to improve communication skills.
13. Feeling like a game of “he said, she said” When conversations revolve around blame, defensiveness, and pointing fingers, rather than seeking solutions, it becomes a challenging cycle to break.
14. Lack of discernment When you or your spouse are unable or unwilling to discern between solvable and unsolvable issues, it becomes difficult to prioritize and address the most critical concerns.

When a marriage lacks effective communication, it can be a significant obstacle to solving problems and saving the relationship. If you’re experiencing these signs, it’s essential to consider seeking professional intervention or counseling to help address and improve communication within your marriage.

Constant Arguments and Conflict

Constant arguments and conflict are clear signs that a marriage cannot be saved. When a couple is constantly arguing and unable to find a compromise or communicate effectively, it can be extremely detrimental to the relationship. These conflicts often arise from unresolved issues or a lack of understanding between partners.

Arguments and conflict can stem from a variety of reasons, such as differing values or expectations, feeling unheard or unappreciated, or even infidelity. It is important for couples to address these issues and work through them together in order to preserve their relationship.

When conflicts are not managed properly and continue to escalate, it can lead to emotional abandonment or even physical and verbal abuse. This can create a toxic and unsafe environment within the marriage, causing both partners to suffer mentally and emotionally.

In some cases, constant arguments may be a result of deep-rooted issues that cannot be resolved through therapy or other means. If couples have tried to work through their problems and seek professional help but continue to face conflicts, it may be a sign that the marriage is irreparable.

Constant conflict can also indicate a lack of shared values and goals within the marriage. When partners have different ideas of what they want from the relationship, it becomes difficult to find common ground and make mutual decisions.

Additionally, persistently arguing can lead to a breakdown in trust and a loss of respect between partners. This can make it nearly impossible to rebuild the foundation of the relationship and move forward in a healthy and supportive way.

Ultimately, constant arguments and conflict in a marriage can be predictive of future problems and may indicate that the relationship is no longer sustainable. In such cases, it is important for couples to consider if it is in their best interest to continue trying to work through their issues or if it is time to move on and consider divorce.


[1] Amazon. “How to Communicate with the One You Love: A Couples Workbook,” retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/How-Communicate-One-You-Love/dp/1572240847.
[2] Marriage Helper. “7 Bigamy Relationships: Predicting and Preventing Bigamy,” retrieved from https://marriagehelper.com/200000028-7-bigamy-relationships-predicting-and-preventing-bigamy/.
[3] Criminal Justice Degrees Guide. “Hurting or Helping? The Role of Criminal Justice Professionals in Domestic Violence Situations,” retrieved from https://www.criminaljusticedegreesguide.com/features/hurting-or-helping-the-role-of-criminal-justice-professionals-in-domestic-violence-situations.html.
[4] Psychology Today. “When Is It Time to Leave a Marriage?” retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-is-2020/202009/when-is-it-time-leave-marriage.
[5] Couple Connection. “7 Signs Your Marriage Is Beyond Repair,” retrieved from https://www.coupleconnection.net/relationships/7-signs-your-marriage-is-beyond-repair/.


Infidelity can be a devastating blow to any marriage, greatly increasing the likelihood that the relationship cannot be saved. When one partner cheats on the other, it not only breaks trust but also builds resentment. The hurt partner may ask themselves why this betrayal happened and if they can ever trust their spouse again. The cheater may feel remorseful or may not truly understand the costs of their actions.

After the event of cheating, the marriage faces personal and relational challenges. The hurt partner may be grieving the loss of the relationship they thought they had, while the cheater faces their own internal conflicts and remorse. Communicating and finding a way to overcome these challenges is critical, but it can be difficult. Both partners need to be willing to talk about the infidelity and consider the steps needed for repair.

Often, couples don’t have the necessary tools or skills to navigate through this difficult time. They may struggle to communicate their feelings and needs, resorting to criticism and blame rather than finding a productive solution. This lack of effective communication can lead to further distance between them, pushing the marriage to the brink of collapse.

Some couples may try to salvage their marriage by seeking help from therapists or marriage counselors. They may attend couples’ therapy sessions together, hoping to find a way to reconnect and rebuild trust. However, even with professional guidance, infidelity can be a challenging issue to overcome.

Another important factor to consider is whether the cheating partner is truly remorseful and willing to make amends. If they continue to be unfaithful or show little effort in changing their behavior, it may be a sign that they are not committed to the marriage. In such cases, leaving the relationship may be the best decision for both parties.

If you’re facing the aftermath of infidelity in your marriage, it’s important to prioritize self-care and seek support from loved ones. It can be helpful to engage in activities that lift your spirits and focus on rebuilding your own life, independent of the relationship. While it may feel like the end of the world, remember that there is hope for new beginnings and a brighter future.

  1. Consider the costs of staying together?
  2. Are you willing to try and overcome this challenge?
  3. Is your partner truly remorseful and committed to change?
  4. Have you sought professional help or counseling?
  5. Are both partners willing to communicate and compromise?

Infidelity is a serious issue that can deeply impact a marriage. While some couples are able to overcome it and rebuild their relationship, it’s important to acknowledge the pain and challenges that come with it. Ultimately, the decision to save a marriage after infidelity is a deeply personal one that requires careful consideration and self-reflection.

Emotional Disconnection

In a marriage, emotional connection is crucial for the relationship to thrive. When a couple begins to feel emotionally disconnected, it can lead to a breakdown of trust, communication, and intimacy. Here are 10 clear signs of emotional disconnection that may indicate a marriage cannot be saved:

1. Lack of Communication Difficulty in open and honest communication is a sign that the emotional connection has been severed.
2. Constant Criticism A harsh and negative tone towards your partner often stems from unresolved emotional issues.
3. Anger and Resentment When anger and resentment take over, it becomes challenging to prioritize working on the relationship.
4. Feeling Unhappy If you constantly feel unhappy in your marriage and have tried everything to improve it without success, it may be time to reevaluate whether it can be salvaged.
5. Lack of Admiration Not having admiration and respect for your spouse can indicate a lack of emotional connection.
6. Inability to Resolve Conflict If conflicts between you and your partner consistently escalate and remain unresolved, it may be a sign of a deep emotional disconnect.
7. Ignoring Physical Intimacy Avoiding or neglecting physical intimacy is a common sign of emotional disconnection.
8. Disagreement on Major Life Decisions If you and your partner cannot come to an agreement on important life decisions, it may indicate a lack of emotional connection and compatibility.
9. Limited Expressions of Love The absence of affectionate gestures and expressions of love can signify emotional disconnection.
10. Prioritizing Individual Happiness If one or both partners prioritize their individual happiness over the well-being of the relationship, it may be a sign that the emotional connection has been lost.

If you resonate with any of these signs, it is important to seek help from a trained therapist or counselor who specializes in marital issues. They can provide valuable guidance and tools to help you manage the difficulties within your marriage. Remember, it is worth investing in your mental and emotional well-being.

Lack of Trust

Trust is the foundation of any healthy marriage. Without mutual trust, the relationship can quickly become toxic and unsustainable. Lack of trust can manifest in various ways and is often a clear sign that a marriage cannot be saved. Here are 10 signs of a lack of trust in a marriage:

1. Constant Suspicion

One of the most evident signs of a lack of trust is when one or both partners are constantly suspicious of each other. Suspicion can stem from past betrayals or simply a lack of faith in the other person’s words or actions.

2. Secrets and Hidden Information

When partners start keeping secrets or hiding information from each other, it’s a significant red flag. Open and honest communication is essential for trust in a marriage, and any attempt to hide the truth can erode the foundation of the relationship.

3. Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy requires a high level of trust. If one or both partners are unwilling to be vulnerable and open with each other, it indicates a lack of trust. This can manifest in a lack of physical intimacy, emotional distance, or a general feeling of disconnect.

4. Past Betrayals

Previous instances of infidelity or other betrayals can greatly damage trust within a marriage. While some couples are able to work through these issues, in many cases, the trust is irreparably broken.

5. Negative Communication Patterns

A lack of trust often leads to negative communication patterns, such as constant criticism, blame-shifting, or defensive reactions. When partners don’t trust each other’s intentions or motives, they are more likely to engage in harmful communication habits.

6. Lack of Accountability

When there is a lack of trust, both partners may avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They may deflect blame onto each other or refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes. This further erodes trust within the marriage.

7. Reliance on External Validation

If one or both partners constantly seek validation and affirmation from outside sources instead of relying on each other, it suggests a lack of trust within the marriage. A healthy relationship should prioritize mutual support and validation.

8. Inability to Resolve Conflict

Trust is crucial for resolving conflicts effectively. When trust is lacking, conflicts may escalate to unhealthy levels, and couples may struggle to find common ground or reach a resolution.

9. Considered Unsafe or Abusive

If a marriage is considered unsafe or abusive, it is a clear indication that trust has been broken. In such cases, it is essential to prioritize personal safety and wellbeing over saving the marriage.

10. Lack of Effort in Saving the Marriage

If one or both partners are unwilling to put in the necessary effort to rebuild trust and save the marriage, it is often an indicator that the relationship is beyond repair.

In conclusion, a lack of trust is a significant barrier to saving a marriage. It is important to recognize the signs of trust issues and consider the impact they have on the relationship. Ultimately, prioritizing personal safety and wellbeing should be the top concern when trust is severely damaged.