13 Relationship Problems After Moving In – How to Deal with Challenges When You Move in Together

  When you decide to move in with your partner, it’s expected that there will be some adjustments and challenges along the way. It’s common for couples to go through a period of unbalanced dynamics as they navigate their new living situation. Suddenly, you’re not just responsible for yourself, but also for another person’s well-being and happiness. The high expectations you may have had about cohabiting can lead to disappointment when reality sets in. It’s important to remember that having

Polyvagal Theory in Practice – A Comprehensive Guide for Therapists

  Welcome to the comprehensive guide on the application of the Polyvagal Theory in therapy practice! This version will take you through the foundations of the theory, its origins, and how it can be effectively utilized as a powerful tool in your work with clients. Developed by Stephen Porges in his book “The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation” (2011), this theory has revolutionized the field of trauma therapy. It looks beyond the commonly known “fight-or-flight”

Focusing Unlocks Your Body’s Inner Wisdom for Optimal Health and Wellness

Have you ever loved the feeling of having a gentle pressure on your body? Of being guided from within to find a fruitful path? If so, you have felt the power of focusing – a body-centered approach to healing and self-affirmation. Focusing is a practice that offers a way to listen to the wisdom of your own body, allowing for personal growth, transformation, and attaining fresh powers of senses. In our fast-paced and reaction-driven world, sometimes we forget to pay

Why We Choose to Ignore Red Flags in Love – Revealing the Scientific Explanation for Overlooking Warning Signs When Falling in Love

When it comes to matters of the heart, logic often takes a backseat to emotions. Falling in love is a powerful feeling that can make us lose our sense of self and our ability to perceive potential red flags. But why do we sometimes ignore warning signs and blind ourselves to the truth? One reason for this is the intoxicating feeling that love gives us. When we are infatuated with someone, our brain releases hormones that create a sense of

Dos and Donts of Creating Emotionally Fulfilling Relationships – A Comprehensive Guide to Building Lasting Connection and Happiness

Developing satisfying relationships is one of the most common desires we have as human beings. We want to feel connected, loved, and understood. But how do we create relationships that are emotionally fulfilling? The first step is to focus on our own needs and boundaries. It’s important to know ourselves and what makes us happy in order to communicate those needs to our partner. Without this self-awareness, it’s tough to create a fulfilling relationship. Another important aspect is to communicate

The Power of Compliments – Boosting Self-Esteem and Building Relationships

Compliments–why do they have such a profound impact on our wellbeing and how can we harness their power to improve ourselves and our relationships? Compliments work wonders for our self-confidence and self-esteem. When we receive a genuine compliment, it strikes a chord in our brains, releasing dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. This surge of dopamine not only makes us feel good in the moment, but it also improves our overall performance and motivation. Believe it or not, compliments also have benefits

The Crucial Influence of Family in Facilitating School Adaptation for First Graders – A Groundbreaking Study in the Field of Educational Sciences

  In the summer before starting school, children receive messages from their parents about what they can expect and how they should behave in the new environment. These messages, conveyed through conversations and actions, play a crucial role in shaping the child’s mindset and attitude towards school. The study conducted by the Center for Research in Schools (CRS) suggests that the quality of these messages greatly influences the child’s overall school adaptation. A team of psychologists at CRS conducted a

Accelerating Your Survival Strategy – 5 Proven Ways to Thrive in Challenging Times

In today’s uncertain and challenging business landscape, it is critical for companies to develop survival strategies that will not only enable them to weather the storm but also thrive in the face of adversity. Having a proactive approach is key, and that’s where Mike Thompson, a seasoned business leader and industry expert, comes in to show us the way. Mike is a firm believer that companies must look beyond simply surviving during a downturn. Instead, they should focus on accelerating

How Childhood Experiences Shape Our Seach for Love and Connection

Our childhood experiences have a profound impact on the choices we make when it comes to selecting a partner. The foundation of our relationships is often influenced by the attachment style we developed in childhood, as well as the meaning we attribute to those experiences. Whether we wish to replicate or escape from certain parts of our childhood, it plays a significant role in determining who we choose to be in a relationship with. Having experienced abuse or neglect in

The warning signs of toxic power dynamics in a relationship and strategies to promote equality

Unhealthy control is a common issue in relationships, and it can manifest in various ways. Whether it’s a partner who always needs to be in charge, someone who constantly belittles you, or even someone who becomes physically aggressive, these power dynamics can be damaging and detrimental to your well-being. In an unhealthy relationship, one person tends to be the dominant “distancer” while the other is the submissive “pursuer”. But it’s important to remember that unhealthy power dynamics can exist in